Thursday, December 23, 2010

18DEC10 Spring Valley Cycle - Memorial Assistance Ministries Summary

Our workshop is full again, thanks to the successful efforts of Jim Osbon at Houston Cycling Centers, Bob King at Memorial Assistance Ministries, and our own Dan Monson. This new partnership may serve as a model of a new supply chain. We leveraged the marketing power of HCC, the need within MAM, and MAM’s willingness to donate to CRM on a per bike basis for the cost of parts/repairs.

Two great new stories! As I posted on our blog (and thereby Facebook), MAM notified CRM on Thursday that they would be bringing one of their clients on Saturday, and they would like to have a bike for him. None of the CRM inventory was ready for use. As always, God’s timing is perfect, and Saturday morning when we arrived at Spring Valley Cycles at noon, there was a beautiful polished aluminum Cannondale MTB. The right size, and more importantly – in great condition. We test rode it around the parking lot, did a safety check, and presented it to Timothy Owens. He is part of MAM’s employment services program, and rides to and from his different job sites. He and his wife are starting a security and investigation service, and the bike allows him greater access and mobility and expand his available service range.

We got front page coverage in the Memorial Examiner. Paper dropped today.

You can read it online here.

Amanda is a mother who is having to move out of her apartment on very short notice because the complex is being demolished. Her story was featured on KPRC ABC Channel 13 News last week. Amanda's children attend Rummel Creek Elementary, and when the RCE PTA learned of the families that live in the complex and have children at RCE, parents stepped in to help them. Amanda rides her bikes to and from work. She repairs them herself when they need it. Sarah Tyler pick up her old bike that is in need of much repair and provide her with a bike in much better condition allowing Amanda to travel more safely. Amanda smiled when she received the bike and said it will fit her better.

Next event: Rummel Creek PTA ReCycle Day, 15JAN11 9am-2pm. Come out and me out newest partner – the Rummel Creek Elementary PTA. As part of their recycling program, we have partnered with them to have a ReCycling Day. We will be accepting bikes of all types at the school (625 Brittmoore Road, 77079). We presented to a packed house of 4th grade parents in December, and we expect a great turnout. We have already taken in 5 bikes from RCE families. We will need full size trucks (at 2pm) to haul bikes at the end of the event, and people to help take in inventory, and gather donor information.

I have a few more t-shirts and one polo available for purchase. They are white on black (like the logo at the top of this page. $20 for the t-shirt, $40 for the polo, and of course, the proceeds go to help purchase parts to keep us going!

Watch for a very desperately needed workday announcement. Anticipated date – 15 or 22 JAN.

Thank you for a very successful workday, and a year of helping spread freedom and hope one bike at a time. In parting, I want to thank Taylor Benson who helped me summarize the thoughts in my head, and provided us with a biblical reference that describes our efforts well.

“…and by my works will I show you my faith.” – James 2:18

Pay it Forward and—Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rummel Creek Folks help evicted woman - CRM gives bike.

Sunday, December 19, Chain Reaction Ministries was able to deliver a bicycle to someone who really needed a better bike. Amanda is a mother who is having to move out of her apartment on very short notice because the complex is being demolished. Her story was featured on KPRC ABC Channel 13 News last week. Amanda's children attend Rummel Creek Elementary, and when the RCE PTA learned of the families that live in the complex and have children at RCE, parents stepped in to help them.

Amanda rides her bikes to and from work. She repairs them herself when they need it. Chain Reaction Ministries was able to pick up her old bike that is in need of much repair and provide her with a bike in much better condition allowing Amanda to travel more safely. Amanda smiled when she received the bike and said it will fit her better. She was grateful to all for their care and generosity.

Submitted by Sarah Tyler
Pay it Forward,David

Houston Cycling Center - MAM Intake Day Summary 18DEC10

Chain Reaction Ministries, in partnership with Houston Cycling Centers and Memorial Assistance Ministries, collected 15 used bikes to be refurbished. MAM notified CRM on Thursday that they would be bringing one of their clients, and they would like to have a bike for him. None of the CRM inventory was ready for use. As always, God’s timing is perfect, and Saturday morning when we arrived at Spring Valley Cycles at noon, there was a beautiful polished aluminum Cannondale MTB. The right size, and more importantly – in great condition.

We test rode it around the parking lot, did a safety check, and presented it to Timothy Owens. He is part of MAM’s employment services program, and rides to and from his different job sites. He and his wife are starting a security and investigation service, and the bike allows him greater access and mobility and expand his available service range.

Pay it Forward,

Friday, December 17, 2010

From Abandoned Bicycle in Lewisville to needed owner in Houston

Randy Grizzle, father of one of my business associates, Kristi Grizzle, likes collecting stuff - especially if it is free! He found a large Mongoose MTB on the side of a road with a sign denoting "Free" on it. He took it in, not really knowing what to do with it. While Kristi was visiting her parents over Thanksgiving, her Dad told of his latest find. Kristi knew exactly where it needed to go. She brought it back with her, gave it to Chain Reaction Ministries, and we fixed up the bike on our 11DEC10 workday. The bike was picked up Tuesday, and placed in service this week with a client from Westside Homeless Partnership! We are broadening our reach!

Thanks Kristi and Randy!

Pay it Forward,

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Workday Summary 11DEC10

Cleaning up the workshop a week prior was extremely beneficial. Jeff Stones and I organized parts, evaluated inventory, and make a list of parts that we needed. Then I lost the list. But my loss resulted in a great discussion with Jim at Spring Valley Cycles Saturday morning as I purchased parts. I met Jim when Kristin and I first came to Houston. He was leading a spinning class at the Post Oak YMCA. Yet another “Houston—the Smallest Big City in the World” story. Who would have thought that 12 years later I would have a partnership with him.

I think the bikes have started breeding. There were four more bikes in the workshop between the time that Jeff and I prepped the workshop and Saturday. What a blessing. Among the volunteers was Sarah Tyler (who was responsible for the “breeding” - picking up bikes from various places in Houston) brought her three kids, and they washed bikes together. Elizabeth Renton (landscape architect and business associate) and her husband Bill came out and they finished two bikes together. There was great joy in seeing families working together helping to give the gift of freedom. At the end of the day, there are 16 bikes that will find new homes just in time for Christmas. We also pulled in $150 in donations.

Next Saturday, 18DEC10, we will be having a bicycle intake day with our new partners—Houston Cycling Centers and Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM). We will be at Spring Valley Cycles (9414 Gaylord, across from Memorial High School). All of the bikes that we pull in that day will go back to clients in Memorial Assistance Ministries Employment Services program. I am thankful to Mercedes at Westside Homeless Partnership for inviting me to a meeting of various social service groups in the Spring Branch area. I met Bob King at MAM through that connection, and now we have another very worthy avenue for connecting donors to needs!

I have men’s and women’s t-shirts available for purchase. They are white on black (like the logo at the top of this page. They are $20, and of course, the proceeds go to help purchase parts to keep us going! From my last workday summary, I have sat quietly and thought about what I thankful for. Among my blessings are the support and encouragement from each of you on this email blast. Whether a workhorse mechanic, or a simple email—you all help keep this effort moving forward—by your thoughts, prayers, and actions.

Thank you for a very successful workday, and a year of helping spread freedom and hope one bike at a time.

Pay it Forward and—Merry Christmas!

Workday Summary 17OCT10

The preparation for the work day started weeks ago. Clark Martinson picked up over 25 bikes from our partner bike store—Bicycle World & Fitness. I had a chance to chat briefly with the owner, Chris, at the Du the Bear Duathlon last weekend. (yes I did it—and actually renewed my passion for riding!) Our connection with the store continues to grow, and I am excited about where it will go in the future.

The day started by pulling out all of the existing inventory our of the Jerusalem Room—our new home at Memorial Drive Christian Church (MDCC). Milt Alberstadt (architect, handyman, neighbor, and great friend) did his magic in reorganizing the room, and hanging pegboard along one wall. There were over 25 bikes in various stages of disrepair ready for the 15 volunteers that came out. We had children washing bikes, youth learning basic repairs, and adults doing some of the dirtier jobs. We had some bikes dropped off in the afternoon, along with collecting $70 in donations.

Mercedes Parrish from Westside Homeless Partnership brought out two client families, and we supplied basic transportation to them— one bike going to the daughter of a client who is studying architecture at the University of Houston. A family adopted by Larry and Susan Pain (MDCC members), received three bikes. At the end of the day, we refurbished 16 bikes, stripped three, and are left with over 12 in inventory awaiting repair.

The day was a great success—with everyone finding a way to help make the reconnection of these unwanted bikes. I am continually energized by hearing new ideas of ways to connect to the community, and people’s interest in supporting this project. Of course, there are the bikes, but also things like graphic design (thanks to Mike Scott for our first release of our website last Friday), food (ChristCare group), and connecting with the community (Dan Monson). We could not do this without the handy work of Clark Martinson and Jeff Stones—the workhorse mechanics. I am thankful to all that helped prepare for the work day, and for those that came out to help in the repairs and room prep.

As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, I would like for you to think about the things you are thankful for, the blessings that God has given you, and how you can keep building momentum for this project. We have more exciting connections to the community in store for the end of the year, as well as a big push post Christmas.

Pay it Forward,

Friday, July 23, 2010

OK - so I have been a little behind on posting. The only reason I have the blog is to post on Facebook - and given that there are other methods to post to Facebook, I have not been posting on the blog. The problem is that one day, should I ever wish to catalog the happenings of ChainReaction Ministries, I can't publish from Facebook. Thereby, I really need to get back after posting regularly on Blogger (late night hours, or when Reese [the dog] wakes me up at 3am, every night).

So with that I offer this bullet point summary:
1) May 22 was a great work day. 20 bikes, 8 ready to go to Westside Homeless Partnership
2) Did not do much with it over the summer. Kitchen remodel, and something overtook my garage. Oh yea - crap.
3) Memorial Drive Christian Church allowed me the use of a room to store the bikes and work on them!
4) Delivered five bikes to WHP the week of July 20.
5) Clark Martinson fixed up and delivered 15 to a mission on the east side of town in the same period. Way to go Clark!!!
6) What I pay attention to shapes and changes me.
7) Mackenzie and Dawson think that a) Dad has a bike hoarding problem and b) it is pretty cool to walk into the garage and pick a bike.
8) Kristin is waiting for me to clean the garage.
9) I need to post more often.
10) I need to tell the story more often.

The fact is that we each can give what we have. It is not really ours. It is God's. Do what you can. This is where he is calling me. I am only limited in my giving by the other worldly interferences of daily life. Trying to strike a balance between them. Every day.

Pay it Forward,

Monday, March 29, 2010

Good Friday

Five bikes going to Westside Homeless Partnership on Good Friday. Seven bikes coming in from Clark M. on Friday. Pay it Forward,

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Word Day Results

Several of the guys in the Men's Disciple group at Memorial Drive Christian Church came by yesterday to work on bikes. Tom Lyda (Senior Minister), John Malget (Associate Minister), Cliff W., Jack B., and Justin came by to work on six bikes. At the end of two hours, we had refreshed four bikes to add to the one that just needed cleaning, and stripped two. There is no replacement for horsepower! The guys made short work of tuning up two adult bikes (one which is awaiting a saddle). My garage and front porch was a little crowded, trying to stay out of the rain. Time to arrange another visit to WHP.

Pay it Forward,

Friday, March 19, 2010

Great Story from Westside Homeless Partnership

I finally had a chance to review emails over Spring Break. I got a great note from Westside Homeless Partnership.

Maria M. is the mother of six children. She was referred to Westside Homeless Partnership in September of 2009 by Memorial Assistance Ministries. Her husband abandoned the family during the summer and Maria could no longer pay the rent and utility bills. But for the financial assistance of Westside Homeless Partnership, her family would not have a home.

Maria’s family includes: Maria Fernanda (13) , Laura (7), Lenorris (6), Alejandro (5), Ivette (4), and Heily (3).

When the bikes were delivered, the children asked Mercedes to take them to the park so they could ride their new bikes. Maria was very excited for her children, none of whom had ever owned a bike. She was so proud of her children and admitted that she has never owned a bike nor does she know how to ride one. She is so grateful to Chain Reaction Ministries for giving each of her children a bike.

And that is what keeps me going.

Pay it Forward,

Business Models

My friend Bill G. and I played golf recently and I shared with him my odd little sideline habit. He has a much more entrepreneurial mindset than me, so he noodled some ideas about how to actually turn this into a full time adventure. Ideas were included a sort of medium to high end used bike store, to a loaner program, to an annual bike sharing program for youth. Pretty creative! Things to think about when you don't want to think of anything else....

Pay it Forward,

College Bicycles

I took the kids to Texas A&M and to the George Bush Library this week on Spring Break. While there, we walked around campus, and I shared with them the rich traditions of Aggieland. The MSC was under construction/renovation, so I could not tell Dawson to stay off the grass. All the while, Mackenzie found it fascinating that there were so many bikes that were locked up and just left there. (I must be rubbing off on here - need to watch that) Many looked like they had been there for months, if not years. So, what to do with all those abandoned, unloved bikes? Exactly! Yet another great resource for bikes and parts.

My good friend Aaron J. visited with the University of Houston folks this week, and laid the groundwork for a discussion with them. Hoping to have a meeting with them next week.

Pay it Forward,

Work Day Announcement - 20 FEB 10, 1-3pm

Time for the March work day. Spring Break has been great with the kids. I have not checked my email, or my calendar. If I had, I would have realized that tomorrow is our March workday! My house, tomorrow, Saturday, 20 MAR 10, from 1-3pm.

So, in preparation, I went to Bicycle World and Fitness, bought parts, and picked up two more donations. A girls 20" Next BMX, and a Woman's Roadmaster Road/MTB. I have seven bikes to work on tomorrow. (including three adult bikes!) I can always use bodies! I have most the parts. Still need saddles (kids mainly, but adult ones are welcome). Stop by, say hi, bring a bike, bring tools, bring manpower. Hope you can make it!

Pay it Forward,

Saturday, February 27, 2010

3rd Delivery

After two cold weeks and other commitments, Milt and I delivered six kids bikes to Westside Homeless Partnership - Bringing our total to 14 in three months! Catherine Gassman visited with us about where these might go. Mercedes, a case worker at WHP, will help place the bikes with families in the program. They pledged to get me stories and photos of the families with their bikes so that we can complete the cycle of these bicycles.

Thanks to Will B., Robbie F., and Bicycle World and Fitness for the bikes.

I have room in my garage for more :) - just email me at to make arrangements for your donation.

Pay it Forward,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What an amazing weekend. I finished three bikes on on Saturday thinking that I was clearing room in my house. 24 hours later, I had four more bikes! Robbie and Sarah F. at Memorial Drive Christian Church brought two kids bikes (unannounced) that needed almost nothing other than air and swapping some tires (boy+coaster brake=bald rear tire...the way it should be).

Then Will B. brought me two girls 20" bikes (pictured above) that were perfect! Wash and ride! I loaned out my first bike (a 1988 Trek 770 Pro Frame) to Will so that he could ride in the BP MS150. He wore a 10.5 shoe, so I fitted him with my old shoes and clipless pedals. I think he will be off to a good start!

The delivery to WHP on Wednesday just got increased to seven! Thanks to all who have been following, giving, and praying for this effort.

Pay it Forward,

Three to get ready...

Finished three of the Bicycle World & Fitness bikes. Painted the rusty rims with a light coat of silver Rustoleum. Sealed them nicely. The green one could have used a new saddle, had one tear. Looks like my next outreach for help will be to Huffy or another manufacturer for basic parts (saddles, chains, 20" rims).

Scheduled for delivery this week to WHP.

Pay it Forward,

Links in Cyberspace

So I had my first offer to link to a site. It was a company that sells cycling jerseys that had "messages" to motorists on them. Something to the effect of "share the road, dammit!" I thought it wise to pass on the offer.

On the flip side, Westside Homeless Partnership listed us as a "Collaboration in Action" organization. See the description here:

Pay it Forward,

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Parts, Parts, and More Parts!

Previously I spoke of the need for seats and 20" wheels. Pete D. brought several road saddles and other parts that will help. After pondering what to do with rusty rims (beyond the help of steel wools and raw fingertips), I find the advice of Clark Martinson ringing in my head. "Quickly sand it, paint it, and get it out the door." It is more than what they would have anyway, and they will be thankful.

If I don't, then the backlog will continue to grow. I picked up a men's MTB from Kim I. in Sugar Land today. Looks like a quick fix - except the seat. Get to practice truing wheels.

Pay it Forward,

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sage Advice

I had lunch with my former boss, John Breeding. I looked to him as a mentor for guidance related to the growth and feeding of ChainReaction Ministries. Here were his points:
1) Don't let it die.
2) Give with joy.
3) Don't let this effort overshadow your family
4) If you want it to grow, get others involved in the refurbishing of the bikes.
5) Determine what you want this to be in 5 years.
6) The market is there, you just need to figure out how to play it according to Item 5
7) You have to ask for what you need. Close the sale!

It was a very good lunch. He is a good resource.

Pay it Forward,

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

One month report

What a difference a month makes. 21 DEC 09 we delivered the first five bikes. We went from an idea, to a calling, to 8 bikes delivered in a month! Along the way, I met some friends, found out that my neighbors are there for me, and realized that I am not alone in this wacky little bicycle recycling world.

Next steps:
1) Refine the mission and goals
2) Get the website up

The bikes will come. I just need to pace myself.

Pay it Forward,

Monday, January 18, 2010

God's Grip

John Malget, Associate Minister at Memorial Drive Christian Church always signs his emails, "in God's Grip." I get it now. I have a job that pays the bills and provides for my family – and I am blessed. But in my waking and hours and nighttime solitude, my head is filled with the concerns of others. The homeless families that have made the decision to start their lives over, with absolutely nothing – seeking your help and others.

Now that I started, I don’t know what the end state will be. As long as God keeps speaking (sometime shouting) to me, I keep working. Putting out the call for bikes. Hunting down unwanted ones from the backs of bike shops. And they keep coming. I see the need, and with His grip on my heart, mind, and body, I keep working.

Dear God, please don’t loosen your grip.

Pay it Forward,

We are firmly planted in cyberspace! is registered and parked. Now to learn FrontPage, Linux, and exercise a little creative design for a website.

Pay it Forward,

Where did the second delivery go?

The three bikes went to the Molina family, a single mom who not only cares for her kids, but also kids of family members that are currently incarcerated. She provides them a loving home, and hope that they will not be forgotten.

Catherine at Westside Homeless Partnership says that she has plenty of capacity for more bikes, and that she will help me find other groups similar to WHP around Houston.

Pay it Forward,

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I am not alone.

I found two other groups in Houston this week that are doing similar "bicycle recycling." One on the east side of Houston, and one in the Third Ward. They each have a different mission that what ChainReaction Ministries is focused on - but they are out there also. It has me thinking about the compelling story behind ChainReaction Ministries. Catherine Gassmann at Westside Homeless Partnership had a wonderful perspective on it. She spoke of the freedom that a bike provides to those with no other form of transportation other than their feet. The health benefits, improving basic mobility to and from work and to gain access to goods and services that would have been otherwise not accessible. It was reaffirming and provided me more focus on the mission.

Pay it Forward,

January Work Day Report

A little drizzle did not keep three of my neighbors (who I am blessed to have as my very good friends), Jay Barr, Milt Alberstadt, and Will Harris from stopping by early. Jay cleaned up a MTB, Will repaired flats, and Milt helped prioritize the builds. Clark Martinson stopped by around 11:00 and brought his portable bike shop with him.

Clark demoed the proper way to overhaul a coaster brake hub. We finished a girls 20" Huffy and a Specialized Rockhopper MTB.

Pete Dawson stopped by with a KHS roadbike that had been collecting dust in his garage. Clark gave it a nice soapy bath, a light tune, and it is ready for the road!

Lessons Learned:
1) Sometimes no amount of steel wool can clean rust off of cheap chrome plated steel rims.
2) Rebuliding coaster brake hubs isn't hard. Just remember the order in which you pulled things apart. Oh - and don't use too much grease.
3) I have got to better at deciding how much time to put into a bike. There has got to be a "tipping point" at which the parts are better for future efforts rather than trying to rebuild the bike.

In need of 20" rims (front and rear), kids saddles, and kids grips. So to that end, I called Tom at Bicycle World & Fitness to see if he had anything - nothing today. Clark recommended Cyclone Cycles in Bellaire. Mark told me to come back Monday or Tuesday when he was not busy and he would visit with me about parts.

Pay it Forward,

2nd Delivery to Westside Homeless Partnership

Delivered three bikes to Westside Homeless Partnership. Milt Alberstadt (neighbor helping in transport) and I Met Catherine Gassman - their Executive Director. She said that these three are destined for a single mom who recently lost her job. Not only does she take care of her three kids, but she also takes care of several family members kids. She is trying to break a vicious cycle, and the kids bikes will help give the kids some freedom, esp. when the weather gets better.

8 bikes total. 4 pending.

Pay it Forward,

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January Work Day - Saturday, 16 JAN 10, 9-11am at my house. We have eight bikes that need to be refurbished in order to make room for more. Email me at for directions. Bring a friend, bring a bike! Remember - there is not a bike that is "too far gone." Delivering three tomorrow to Westside Homeless Partnership assuming I can get back from Austin in time.

Pay it Forward,

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bicycle World & Fitness

Word is getting around. The folks at Bicycle World & Fitness are recognizing me as a regular. Went there to see a demonostration by Jeff Lenosky - a Mountain Bike Trials Professional riding for Giant. He was amazing! His control and balance were unparalleled. He holds the Bunnyhop World Record - 45.5 inches! He balanced a wheelie and put the front tire on a kids nose! He is an inspiration to those following their dream!

Pay it Forward,

2nd Build

Three more ready to go this week!

Pay it Forward,
At the bookstore I picked up a little book titled "333 Ways to be a Daily Philathopist" or something. Flipped it open to a random page and the "way" that was staring back at me was "Recycle a Bicycle." Mentioned programs in NYC and Chicago. Coincidence - I think not.

Pay it Forward,