Saturday, February 27, 2010

3rd Delivery

After two cold weeks and other commitments, Milt and I delivered six kids bikes to Westside Homeless Partnership - Bringing our total to 14 in three months! Catherine Gassman visited with us about where these might go. Mercedes, a case worker at WHP, will help place the bikes with families in the program. They pledged to get me stories and photos of the families with their bikes so that we can complete the cycle of these bicycles.

Thanks to Will B., Robbie F., and Bicycle World and Fitness for the bikes.

I have room in my garage for more :) - just email me at to make arrangements for your donation.

Pay it Forward,

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What an amazing weekend. I finished three bikes on on Saturday thinking that I was clearing room in my house. 24 hours later, I had four more bikes! Robbie and Sarah F. at Memorial Drive Christian Church brought two kids bikes (unannounced) that needed almost nothing other than air and swapping some tires (boy+coaster brake=bald rear tire...the way it should be).

Then Will B. brought me two girls 20" bikes (pictured above) that were perfect! Wash and ride! I loaned out my first bike (a 1988 Trek 770 Pro Frame) to Will so that he could ride in the BP MS150. He wore a 10.5 shoe, so I fitted him with my old shoes and clipless pedals. I think he will be off to a good start!

The delivery to WHP on Wednesday just got increased to seven! Thanks to all who have been following, giving, and praying for this effort.

Pay it Forward,

Three to get ready...

Finished three of the Bicycle World & Fitness bikes. Painted the rusty rims with a light coat of silver Rustoleum. Sealed them nicely. The green one could have used a new saddle, had one tear. Looks like my next outreach for help will be to Huffy or another manufacturer for basic parts (saddles, chains, 20" rims).

Scheduled for delivery this week to WHP.

Pay it Forward,

Links in Cyberspace

So I had my first offer to link to a site. It was a company that sells cycling jerseys that had "messages" to motorists on them. Something to the effect of "share the road, dammit!" I thought it wise to pass on the offer.

On the flip side, Westside Homeless Partnership listed us as a "Collaboration in Action" organization. See the description here:

Pay it Forward,

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Parts, Parts, and More Parts!

Previously I spoke of the need for seats and 20" wheels. Pete D. brought several road saddles and other parts that will help. After pondering what to do with rusty rims (beyond the help of steel wools and raw fingertips), I find the advice of Clark Martinson ringing in my head. "Quickly sand it, paint it, and get it out the door." It is more than what they would have anyway, and they will be thankful.

If I don't, then the backlog will continue to grow. I picked up a men's MTB from Kim I. in Sugar Land today. Looks like a quick fix - except the seat. Get to practice truing wheels.

Pay it Forward,