Sunday, December 12, 2010

Workday Summary 17OCT10

The preparation for the work day started weeks ago. Clark Martinson picked up over 25 bikes from our partner bike store—Bicycle World & Fitness. I had a chance to chat briefly with the owner, Chris, at the Du the Bear Duathlon last weekend. (yes I did it—and actually renewed my passion for riding!) Our connection with the store continues to grow, and I am excited about where it will go in the future.

The day started by pulling out all of the existing inventory our of the Jerusalem Room—our new home at Memorial Drive Christian Church (MDCC). Milt Alberstadt (architect, handyman, neighbor, and great friend) did his magic in reorganizing the room, and hanging pegboard along one wall. There were over 25 bikes in various stages of disrepair ready for the 15 volunteers that came out. We had children washing bikes, youth learning basic repairs, and adults doing some of the dirtier jobs. We had some bikes dropped off in the afternoon, along with collecting $70 in donations.

Mercedes Parrish from Westside Homeless Partnership brought out two client families, and we supplied basic transportation to them— one bike going to the daughter of a client who is studying architecture at the University of Houston. A family adopted by Larry and Susan Pain (MDCC members), received three bikes. At the end of the day, we refurbished 16 bikes, stripped three, and are left with over 12 in inventory awaiting repair.

The day was a great success—with everyone finding a way to help make the reconnection of these unwanted bikes. I am continually energized by hearing new ideas of ways to connect to the community, and people’s interest in supporting this project. Of course, there are the bikes, but also things like graphic design (thanks to Mike Scott for our first release of our website last Friday), food (ChristCare group), and connecting with the community (Dan Monson). We could not do this without the handy work of Clark Martinson and Jeff Stones—the workhorse mechanics. I am thankful to all that helped prepare for the work day, and for those that came out to help in the repairs and room prep.

As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas, I would like for you to think about the things you are thankful for, the blessings that God has given you, and how you can keep building momentum for this project. We have more exciting connections to the community in store for the end of the year, as well as a big push post Christmas.

Pay it Forward,

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